Bujang Senang

Bujang Senang

28 Ogo 2016

Did you know that the entire Malaysia was legally in a state of Darurat (emergency) under the entire term of Mahathir's 22 years rule?

Yes. The following emergencies were declared by the previous Agongs but was never terminated by Mahathir's govt.

1) 1966 Emergency Proclamation issued in Sarawak for the state to resolve its political disputes;
2) 1969 Emergency Proclamation issued following the May 13 racial riots; and
3) 1977 Emergency Proclamation issued in Kelantan on Nov 8, 1977 to resolve the state’s political disputes.

The Agong could declare the emergency but cannot terminate it. It can only be lifted by the govt and allowed to lapse - which Mahathir never did.

This is why the ISA was used nationwide to arrest and detain people without trial for an indefinite period of time - a power that Mahathir's govt used a lot.

Even worse is that in 1983, Mahathir pushed through Parliament the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1983 which amended Article 150(1) to read: “If the Prime Minister is satisfied that a grave emergency exists … he shall advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong accordingly and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong SHALL then issue a Proclamation…” - meaning he changed the power to proclaim an emergency to the hands of the Prime Minister instead of Agong.

The emergency proclamations also allowed the govt to make laws without passing them through Parliament.

Recently, Mahathir "apologized" over these amendments in order to attack Najib over the NSC Act while the Malaysian Bar said the NSC Act is like a return to the Emergency Ordinance as it allows the NSC council to declare a state of emergency in a specific area.

However, Mahathir and the Bar council never mentioned that the entire Malaysia was previously under a state of darurat the whole time.

Mahathir even went around n various ceramahs to attack Najib saying that Najib has taken over the powers of the Agong to declare  emergency and can simply arrest people but hypocritically forgot to mention that Malaysia was ALREADY under emergency the entire time of his rule and he had used this to arrest hundreds of people under ISA.

It was only in 2011 that Najib's govt lifted all the emergencies and also abolished ISA - which also means that the government no longer has the power to make laws under Article 150 which Mahathir had enjoyed during his entire 22 years.

The NSC has key differences with the EO. There is no ISA anymore to use under the EO and you can no longer detain people without being challenged in court.

And plus, the NSC act has not declared any emergency as yet and I am sure it will only be declared if a grave situation requires it.

If Najib really wanted all this powers, he need not have lifted the EO, repeal the ISA or even needed the NSC bill He would have just used the same powers that had always existed under Mahathir.

But the recent rise in global terrorism and security threats means that preparation for the worst must be made.

A recent video of Mahathir's ceramah on NSC reinforces my belief that he i s a pathological hypocritical liar and that it is in his nature to lie.



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